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Hey sprinkle sprinkle girlies, we all know and love Shera Seven but one thing I’ve noticed is that people tend to misinterpret her teachings, that’s why I thought I’d put together this blog post breaking down 9 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven to help you get the best out of your dating life and life in general as a sprinkle sprinkle girly. So if you love to be taken care of, if you love to live a soft life. Keep reading….

Before we get started i know many of you don’t know Shera Seven actually wrote a few books, and it’s worth checking out i guarantee.

The one I recommend is called Sprinkle Sprinkle: How To Date a Provider and Avoid a Dusty. And it’s available on Amazon. Here’s the link.

Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

21 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven

1. Don't Be a pick me!

Shera seven always says don’t be a pick me, or as she would call it ”Pickmesha”. A pick me is a woman who would do anything for a man to pick her or choose her, even if he does nothing for her. She would go up and beyond just to please a man even if he’s a dusty (a man who contributes nothing to her).  A pickmesha is always ready to cook, clean and pay half of the bills, all day, any time of the day, everyday.

A broke man will always settle for a pick-me because he can’t afford the woman of his dreams and a pick-me is always ready to do and give him whatever he wants. A pick-me is a placeholder and you do not want to be a placeholder. To not be a pick-me you need to stay unbothered and put yourself as a priority, just remember that you are the prize.

9 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

2. Don't date for fun, date for funds

Shera Seven always says if you’re over the age of 25 you shouldn’t be dating for fun anymore you should be dating for money. Now, if you do not know Shera Seven, I can understand how this might sound but hear me out. Dating for funds, not for fun, means only dating guys with money, that can do something for you. Provider men who will benefit your life and your lifestyle. Because let’s be f’ing for real, at 25 we’re trying to set up our lives, get it together financially, set up for the future or at least I know I am. 

So if he can’t help me, if he can’t contribute to you, if he can’t make life easier for you, invest in you and invest in your business or business ideas, level up your beauty, take away the stress of bills and make your life better, then you’re wasting your time with him. Because why are you there? you’re old enough to know better. Because you might as well be single if you’re going to be dating someone who does absolutely nothing for you and at the end of the day you literally take care of yourself.

9 Key Lessons To Learn From SheraSeven - Sprinkle Sprinkle ✨

9 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

3. Avoid Broke people

Avoid broke people, avoid unlucky people, and avoid people with negative energy. You shouldn’t even be around that because you’re automatically going to get sucked into their poverty and negative energy. Separate yourself from those people because you’re not of that and you don’t want to become of that. Don’t listen to advice from anyone you wouldn’t want to trade places with. You’re a soft life girly and you should arrange your life accordingly.

9 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

4. when do you stop waiting for a man to do act?

When to give up on a man? When you start waiting. When you have to remind him countless times for something that’s simple and he still won’t get it done. When you put in more effort than you should into getting basic things out of him. Because that means he doesn’t respect you, respond to you, or even want to impress you anymore. 

So basically you’ve lost your power over him. So giving up doesn’t necessarily mean leaving, it means you either find another one or find another way to get what you need done. Then you continue on as he watch you get those things done knowing fully well you asked him for it over and over, leaving him wondering how you got it done, where you got the money from etc., etc. You don’t leave because you won’t give up what he’s still doing for you, that way you reap all the benefits from every angle. And giving him a chance to eventually step out knowing you could have figured it out on your own but chose to ask him.

9 Lessons To Learn From SheraSeven - Sprinkle Sprinkle ✨

9 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

5. How to handle an argument with a man

Another lesson to learn from Shera Seven. Instead of being angry and trying to win an argument or compete in an argument with a man, you don’t compete. You simply get what you want out of the situation. No matter what, you don’t get triggered, instead you think, strategize, and get something out of the particular situation. For example, instead of arguing you didn’t answer your phone, you didn’t text, this and that. You stop nagging because it’s tiresome and annoying both to them and to yourself and your energy.

Instead, what do you do? you act like you don’t even notice, they know exactly what they did wrong, and when they eventually see you they already expect you to be nagging, overreact, and be all emotional. So instead, just ask them for something, most likely 9 out of 10 times, if they know they are supposed to be in trouble at a particular time because of something they know they’ve been doing, they’re going to agree and say yes. 

6. Second date = money date

Make sure the second date is a money date. Which means shopping or request for some type of gift, or somewhere where he’s spend a lot of money. The faster you get him to spend money on you, the faster he attaches to you. First date a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant, and some wine, make the dinner bill high so he already knows you’re high maintenance. And be very appreciative, not by repeating thank you like you’ve never seen food before, but just ” this is great”, ”I’m having a really nice time”. You know… flirty eye contact here and there.

 Then drop the ”I can’t wait for our next date you’re so fun”. Just play him up girl, so you already know he’s going to call. Then when planning the next date, you’ll just casually be like ”We could just go to the mall, there’s this shop I love, and you’re going to love their outfits on me” He’s going to be feeling himself because you’re seeing him as a provider, as a baller. He might not even see himself as that, but you making him feel that way is going to make him start acting that way to impress you.

9 Lessons To Learn From SheraSeven - Sprinkle Sprinkle ✨ - MissFeminine

9 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

7. never tell a man what you're looking for

Learn from Shera Seven. When a man asks what you’re looking for you never tell them. Just say ”I’ll know it when I see it” Sprinkle sprinkle. What men do when they ask ”what are you looking for in a man” is they’re trying to get a checklist to sleep with you. They usually ask this on the first date and once you start saying ”oh I like a man that will open the car door for me, I like them this way that way” Girl, just watch him do every single thing you mentioned perfectly till he gets what he wants, then he goes back to being himself. 

IF YOU MUST give him an answer,  say you like an old-fashioned gentleman, that means someone who knows he’s a provider, who would pay, take you shopping, open doors. If they want a checklist we’ll give him a broad general one. If they know they can’t be the old-fashioned gentlemen, they won’t even pursue the relationship anymore not waste your time.

9 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

8. the what do you bring to the table question

This should have been the first thing on this lessons to Learn from Shera Seven list. What do you bring to the table? Girl nothing, you’re not a waitress! Sprinkle sprinkle. If he wants someone to bring something to the table he can go to a restaurant. As Shera herself once said, ” if i bring something to the table, you’re gonna be mad, because it’s gonne to be another man, one who’s not going to ask me to bring something to the table.

This question literally makes me laugh coming from a broke guy, because what table?? you don’t have any money so we don’t even have a damn table to put anything on, boy rest! Women bring so much to a relationship and a marriage that men can’t, that this shouldn’t even be a question.

You might like Shera Seven’s Book: I Bring Nothing to The Table: a Level Up Concept

Lessons To Learn From SheraSeven - Sprinkle Sprinkle ✨ - MissFeminine

9 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

9. Act like a lady with high standaard

Always act like a lady with high standards, even if the bank account disagrees, always act like it. You’re going to stand out in a crowd looking classy and high-value men would be the ones to notice you and approach you. If you look beautiful, put together, got on a beautiful feminine dress. Drinking a glass of champagne like you know your worth, versus the girl next to you drinking a beer wearing an overly tight crop top and shorts. 

You’re going to stand out, you’re going to get approached and by the right people. That’s how you get a man to cross to room to come speak to you, not by blending in. And once the conversation starts, keep it soft and feminine, and talk smartly and with elegance. You’re going to get what you deserve because they see you’re not like the other basic chicks.

Key Lessons To Learn From SheraSeven - Sprinkle Sprinkle ✨

9 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

Let me know if you want a part 2 of this blog post. STAY BLESSED sprinkle sprinkle.

9 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

9 Lessons To Learn From Shera Seven – Sprinkle Sprinkle

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